Arrangementet september 2019
Oplev Kbh’s internationale kunstcenter – Copenhagen Contemporary Museum og hør bl.a. om hvad der sker på stedet samt hvordan man i udlandet opfatter begrebet ’dansk kulturarv’

Copenhagen Contemporary Museum (CC) er et af Skandinaviens største udstillingssteder for samtidskunst og har til huse i den prægtige gamle B&W-svejsehal på Refshaleøen, Refshalevej 173A, 1432 København K.
Europa Nostra Danmark inviterer i samarbejde med museet til gå-hjem-møde om CC onsdag den 18. September kl. 16.00.
p r o g r a m
• Introduktion v. Erik Vind, Europa Nostra Danmark
• Baggrundsidé for Copenhagen Comtemporary Museum og museets udvikling v.seniorrådgiver, Jens Erik Sørensen
• Hvad sker der på Refshaleøen? v. arkitektur- og eventchef Claudia Alex Laroux
• Indtryk omkring begrebet ”dansk kulturarv” – set udefra, v. kulturambassadør for Tyskland 2018 forfatter Janne Teller
Tilmelding til arrangementet kan ske til arkitekt MAA Inge-Lise Kragh på: senest d. 9. september 19
Join us for our late summer “After work meeting” Wednesday the 18th of September from 4pm to 6pm
Discover Kbh’s International Art Center – Copenhagen Contemporary Museum and hear about what is happening on the spot and how to understand the concept of ‘Danish heritage’ abroad.
Copenhagen Contemporary Museum (CC) is one of Scandinavia’s largest exhibition venues for contemporary art and is housed in the magnificent old B&W welding hall on Refshaleøen, Refshalevej 173A, 1432 Copenhagen K.
Europa Nostra Denmark, in collaboration with the museum, invites you to a go-home meeting on CC on Wednesday the 18th September at 4pm.
• Introduction by Erik Vind, Europe Nostra Denmark
• Background concept for the Copenhagen Comtemporary Museum and the museum’s development v. Senior adviser, Jens Erik Sørensen
• What is happening on Refshale Island? v. Architecture and Event Manager Claudia Alex Laroux
• Impressions about the concept of “Danish cultural heritage” – from the outside, v. Culture Ambassador for Germany 2018 author Janne Teller
Refreshments will be served during the event and it will be possible to see the current exhibition “Art is Life” (Jacob Dahlgreen) in connection with the event – however, it is recommended to come a little earlier if you want to see the exhibition, as the exhibit is not on the program. The event ends around 6pm.
Reservations are required and can be made by sending a mail to Architect Inge-Lise Kragh at by the 9th of September 2019